Workshop: The Europeanization Of Social Policy in South East Europe: Responding to an Ageing Population
Welcome to the workshop "The Europeanization Of Social Policy in South East Europe: Responding to an Ageing Population" which will be held on Monday, December 9, 2024 (09:00-12:30), at The Institute of Economics in Zagreb. Trends in terms of an ageing population represent one of the key challenges for social protection…
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Conference: Exploring sustainable strategies to counteract territorial inequalities from an intersectional approach
The EXIT project is pleased to invite you to the event “Navigating Left-Behindness: Exploring Sustainable Strategies to Address Territorial Inequalities from an Intersectional Approach” taking place on 20 September 2024 in Brussels. Join us for a vital conversation on tackling territorial...
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Advancing the EU Child Guarantee in the Western Balkans: A Strategic Pillar of the Regional Growth Plan
The Future of the Welfare State in the Western Balkans, a regional network which gathers think tank organizations and social policy researchers, is urging the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the governments of the Western Balkans to endorse and support...
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Support for Families of Informal Waste Collectors - Training for Family Assistants
The first training intended for the selected family assistants from 12 local self-government units, who will provide support for families of informal waste collectors during the next 18 months, was held on 23-24 May 2024 in Belgrade. The training is being implemented by UNICEF and Center for Social Policy, with support…
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Key Findings of the Study “Mapping Social Care Services and Material Support within the Mandate of Local Self-Governments in the Republic of Serbia 2021” Presented
Presentation of key findings of the study “Mapping Social Care Services and Material Support within the Mandate of Local Self-Governments in the Republic of Serbia 2021”, followed by the round table “Improving the social welfare system at the local level” held in Belgrade...
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Survey on Territorial Inequality
The Center for Social Policy hereby invites you to fill the Survey on Territorial Inequality. The survey should help us improve the understanding of policies and strategies for reducing territorial inequality in Serbia, to better understand the reasons why certain policies and strategies have been selected, and to consider…
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Youth on Watch - Initial Meetings with the Selected Schools Completed
The last initial meeting was held in early October at the secondary school of economics “Đuka Dinić” in Leskovac, one of a total of 16 secondary schools that have participated in the “Youth on Watch” project since early September, aiming to empower participants in the field of human rights...
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Youth on Watch – Initial Meetings Held with the Selected Schools in Kraljevo, Vrnjačka Banja and Niš
As part of the “Youth on Watch: Standing for and Promoting Human Rights by Students’ Parliaments” project, the team of the Center for Social Policy held initial meetings with representatives of the selected schools from...
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EXIT project unveils Guidelines to address territorial inequalities
Presenting the first set of guidelines within the EXIT project, the document focuses on the uses and misconceptions associated with “left-behind” places. These guidelines are tailored specifically for media and online content creators, providing key insights and messages...
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Report Published on the Status of Child Rights in the Republic of Serbia for 2017-2023
The Child Rights Centre (CPD) published the Report on the Status of Child Rights in the Republic of Serbia for the period February 2017 to June 2023. The report aims to provide an overview of the status of the implementation of the recommendations of the Committee for the Rights of the child of the United Nations (UN) in…
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The EXIT project explores the concept of “Left Behind Places” in territorial inequalities
EXIT is a European research initiative aiming to explore the manifestations, root causes and implications of socioeconomic inequalities within and between areas that are often referred to as “left behind”. The project – involving seven universities and four civil society organisations from eight countries – will propose…
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Youth on Watch: Standing for and Promoting Human Rights by Students’ Parliaments
The Center for Social Policy is a partner for the “Youth on Watch: Standing for and Promoting Human Rights by Students’ Parliaments” project, implemented by the Centre for Education Policy, with the aim of empowering student parliaments (SP) from 16 secondary schools across Serbia to stand for, promote and protect human…
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Results of the Opinion Poll Published: Activation Factors and Barriers for Work and Employment of Social Financial Assistance Beneficiaries
As part of the NoVA project, the activity 2.1 Analysis of the situation and attitudes of members of the target group at the beginning of the project cycle was successfully implemented. The main goals of this initial research are to gain insight into the key obstacles and potential activation factors for integration into…
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Successful Completion of the “Support to Families With Children in Crisis Situations” Project
The focus of the "Support to Families with Children in Crisis Situations" project, implemented by the Center for Social Policy (CSP) from October 2021 to September 2022, with financial support from the Balkan Trust for Democracy (BTD) and US Agency for International Development (USAID), was...
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Exception or Model: Socialist Yugoslavia, Social Policy and the Non-Aligned Movement during the Cold War - Online Presentation
The Center for Social Policy invites you to the online presentation "Exception or Model: Socialist Yugoslavia, Social Policy and the Non-Aligned Movement during the Cold War", on Wednesday, September 14, 2022, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m CET. The presentation will be held by Paul Stubbs...
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Publication “Analysis of the Status of Families with Children During the Covid-19 Crisis in the Republic of Serbia” Published
The Center for Social Policy published the study “Analysis of the status of families with children during the COVID-19 crisis in the Republic of Serbia”. The publication was produced as part of the Support to Families with Children in Crisis Situations project implemented by CSP, funded by the Balkan Trust for Democracy…
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Introductory Course Held Under the “New Partnerships and Opportunities for Innovative and Sustainable Approaches to Social and Labour Market Integration of Vulnerable Groups (Nova)” Project
The Center for Social Policy (CSP) organized an introductory course and workshop on 20 April in Belgrade for representatives of Local Coordination Bodies for Social...
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Collection of examples of good practices and challenges in regards to the access to rights and services for families with children during COVID-19 crisis is underway
Within the project "Support to Families with Children in Crisis Situations", the evidences of examples of good practices and challenges in regards to the access to rights and services for families with children during COVID-19 crisis are being collected...
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Research on Position of Families with Children During the COVID-19 Crisis Conducted
Within the project "Support to Families with Children in Crisis Situations" which deals with the issue of inadequate support to children and their families during the crisis COVID-19, both in terms of support through financial assistance programs and social services provided in the community...
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The gap between legal procedures and practices in posting rule enactment: a comparative working paper
This working paper investigates how the Posting of Workers Directive interplays with and is influenced by other EU and national rules and regulations on labour law, migration law, social security, health insurance, temporary agency work, and company law...
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VIDEO: Practical guide for posting employers in the Republic of Serbia
The video titled "Practical guide for posting employers in the Republic of Serbia" provides a first overview for posting employers in Serbia. The video is produced by the Center for Social Policy in the frame of the project Bridging the gap between legislation and practice in the posting of workers (POW-BRIDGE).
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New Project: Support to Families with Children in Crisis Situations
The Action aims to address the lack of adequate support to children and their families during COVID-19 crisis, both in terms of support through financial assistance, as well as community based social services. This problem was extremely emphasized in the condition of the COVID-19 pandemic...
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Study on the Practice of Posting Workers from Serbia Abroad
The Center for Social Policy has drafted a study on the practice of posting workers from the Republic of Serbia abroad. The study covers a review of the harmonisation of regulations in the Republic of Serbia with European legislation, the practice of posting workers, including challenges in the implementation of legislation,…
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POW-BRIDGE Mutual Learning Lab 1: Challenges between procedures & practices
The First Mutual Learning Lab (MLL1) of the POW-BRIDGE project took place in Slovenia (online format via ZOOM) on 24 November 2020. It aimed to detail the problems in the enactment of posting legislation and to improve our understanding of the challenges that arise from the gap between procedures (legal basis) and practices…
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POW-BRIDGE Online Event: First Strategic Board Meeting Held in Belgrade
The first Strategic Board Meeting of the Bridging the gap between legislation and practice in the posting of workers (POW-Bridge) project was held in Belgrade (online setting) on September 29, 2020. The event was organized by the Center for Social Policy. The event brought together members of the Strategic Board composed…
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Mapping Social Care Services and Material Support within the Mandate of Local Self-Governments in the Republic of Serbia Published
The Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit of the Government of the Republic of Serbia has published the third edition of the research titled "Mapping Social Care Services and Material Support within the Mandate of Local Self-Governments in the Republic of Serbia". The research was conducted by the Center for Social…
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COVID-19: Socio-economic consequences and policy responses in 16 European countries
Sixteen Flash Reports prepared by the European Social Policy Network (ESPN) are now available and offer key information on the ongoing crisis from a social policy perspective as well as brief assessments. These short reports discuss various measures that 16 European countries, including Serbia, have implemented to tackle…
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Regional study “Social Protection in the Western Balkans – Responding to the COVID-19 Crisis” Published
Regional social policy experts of The Future of the Welfare State in the Western Balkans network, with the support from Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, prepared the Regional study "Social Protection in the Western Balkans – Responding to the COVID-19 Crisis"...
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New Project: Bridging the gap between legislation and practice in the posting of workers
The central goals of new two-year project Bridging the gap between legislation and practice in the posting of workers (POW-Bridge) are to study possible gaps between procedures (legal basis) and practices (experiences) in the rules governing the posting of workers, to identify challenges and to develop and share effective…
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Future of the Welfare State Platform
The Western Balkans Network The Future of the Welfare State, utilising the Open Method of Coordination as a tool and the EU Pillar for Social Rights as a relevant policy framework, initiates coordination in education, social protection and social inclusion in the Western Balkans. We have agreed the Future of the Welfare…
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Western Balkans Policy Analysis Laboratory
The Future of the Welfare State in the Western Balkans Network organizes the Western Balkans Policy Analysis Laboratory (PAL) on welfare state issues in Montenegro (Bečići) from 21 to 25 October 2019. The PAL is aimed at around 50 professionals working in the social sectors either as policy and decision makers, service…
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Eurofound Study on Quality of Life in EU Candidate Countries Published
The Eurofound has recently published the study "Quality of life – Life and society in the EU candidate countries", which is a result of the Quality of Life Survey conducted by the Eurofound. The Study provides an overview on the situation in the Western Balkan and Turkey against the indicators on quality of life, quality…
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Jobs, Oppportunities, Businesses, Support - Active Inclusion of Unemployed Women in the Labour Market
Center for Social Policy (CSP) in partnership with Women’s center Užice and the municipalities of Dimitrovrad and Priboj has been implementing the project Jobs, Opportunities, Businesses, Support – JOBS. The Project deals with inclusion of unemployed women who are going through difficult life situations – their households…
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High Level Expert Group on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress Publishes its Final Reports
The High Level Expert Group on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress (HLEG) chaired by Nobel Prize winning-economist Joseph E. Stiglitz, leading economist Jean-Paul Fitoussi and the OECD Chief Statistician Martine Durand, has issued its final reports.
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The Social Pillar of the European Integration of the Western Balkans
The Social Pillar of the European Integration of the Western Balkans is the project implemented by Center for Social Policy (Belgrade), Finance Think (Skopje) and Economic and Social Analytics (Tirana). Through this project, partners of the Network assess on how Western Balkan countries perform against the recently adopted…
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“The Future of the Welfare State in the Western Balkans” Regional Conference
The regional conference “The Future of the Welfare State in the Western Balkans” will be held in Belgrade, from 6 to 8 June 2018. The three-day event will cover 4 panel discussions and 13 thematic group sessions dedicated to specific aspects of welfare state issues...
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Peer Review on Delivery and Financing Holistic Services in the Western Balkan countries
The Center for Social Policy participated in the peer review workshop on delivery and financing holistic services in the Western Balkan countries, which was held on December 6, 2017 in Tirana. Discussions were thematically focused on governance of social services, monitoring and inspecting social care service delivery,…
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Monitoring Social Inclusion in the Republic of Serbia – third revised edition
It is our pleasure to share with you the publication Monitoring Social Inclusion in the Republic of Serbia – third revised edition representing an improved framework for monitoring social inclusion and poverty reduction in the Republic of Serbia...
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Eliminating the Abuse of Child Labor
A consultative workshop was held on Thursday, 23 November 2017, regarding the draft Roadmap for the elimination of the abuse of child labor, including its worst forms, with the presentation of the findings of the Child Labor in Agriculture in Serbia Survey. The workshop was organized by the Center for Social Policy and…
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European Pillar of Social Rights: Proclamation and signing
The European Pillar of Social Rights was proclaimed and signed by the Council of the EU, the European Parliament and the Commission during the Gothenburg Social Summit for fair jobs and growth. The Social Pillar is intended to drive forward a social Europe for all European citizens. It aims at strengthening the social…
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The Welfare State in Western Balkan countries – challenges and options
Social cohesion in the Western Balkan economies is under constant risk. A weak social welfare state and the persistent and challenging economic situation create an unstable environment that could compromise and jeopardise the sustainable development of the Western Balkan societies. As a move forward, the Position Paper…
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Enhancing the role of local communities in preventing dropout from the education system
The Center for Social Policy has started the implementation of the project Tools for Preventing Roma Dropout with the objective to decrease dropout and early school leaving of children, particularly Roma girls and Roma children and returnees upon readmission from EU member states.
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Results of Survey on Social Protection Services in the Republic of Serbia Published
At the end of 2015, and beginning of 2016, the Center for Social Policy conducted a comprehensive initiative: Mapping Social Protection Services at the Local Level. Research shows that during the past three years, there has been no improvement in the development of community based services in Serbia.
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Lecture: Globalization, migration, and the future of the middle classes
Branko Milanovic, one of the leading global specialists on income inequality will hold lecture Globalization, migration, and the future of the middle classes on October 13, 2016 at the Faculty for Economics, Finance and Administration in Belgrade.
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Capacity Building of Intersectoral Committees
Within the project Capacity building of Intersectoral Committees (ISCs) for additional support to children for inclusion into early childhood development programs and education implemented by CSP with support from UNICEF and the Austrian Development Agency, a training and mentoring program was implemented...
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