News - Results of Survey on Social Protection Services in the Republic of Serbia Published
Mapping Social Protection Services at the Local Level

At the end of 2015, and beginning of 2016, the Center for Social Policy conducted a comprehensive initiative: Mapping Social Protection Services at the Local Level. Research shows that during the past three years, there has been no improvement in the development of community based services in Serbia. Although there are some changes compared to 2012, they are insignificant. The number of local self-governments that provide services, the total amount of funds for these purposes and even the number of beneficiaries have remained unchanged.

The goal of the mapping is gaining insight into the current status and number of social care services at the local level. Likewise, the findings and recommendations of mapping the services of social protection under the mandate of local self-government should contribute to: the further development of non-institutional forms of protection, the development of pluralism among service providers, the creation of integrated social welfare services, as well as the improvement of the accessibility, efficiency and quality of services.

The Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, in cooperation with the Republic Institute for Social Protection and the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities have supported this initiative. The research was funded by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

Conducting this survey will also enable a comparative analysis with data collected in 2012. The analysis of the accessibility, efficiency and quality of social welfare services in the mandate of local self-governments, including the database published, can be found at the Internet presentation of the SIPRU,

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