News - Survey on Territorial Inequality


The Center for Social Policy hereby invites you to fill the Survey on Territorial Inequality. The survey should help us improve the understanding of policies and strategies for reducing territorial inequality in Serbia, to better understand the reasons why certain policies and strategies have been selected, and to consider innovative approaches that were considered at various levels, and contribute to a decrease in territorial inequalities.

This survey is being implemented simultaneously across 8 European countries participating in the EXIT – Exploring Sustainable Strategies to Counteract Territorial Inequalities from an Intersectional Approach, funded by the European Union through the Horizon programme. The EXIT project is a European initiative implemented by seven universities and four civil society organizations from eight European countries. The goal of the EXIT project is to study the forms, causes and consequences of social and economic inequalities within and between neglected areas. The Center for Social Policy is participating in the EXIT project as a partner organization. More information on the EXIT project can be found here.

Survey participation is anonymous. The expected time for filling the survey is around 10 minutes.

CLICK HERE to access the territorial inequality survey.

The deadline for filling the survey is 28 November 2023.