News - Monitoring Social Inclusion in the Republic of Serbia – third revised edition
Monitoring Social Inclusion in the Republic of Serbia

It is our pleasure to share with you the publication Monitoring Social Inclusion in the Republic of Serbia – third revised edition representing an improved framework for monitoring social inclusion and poverty reduction in the Republic of Serbia.

The publication is the product of the work of an expert team of the Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the UNICEF office in Serbia during 2016 and 2017. The Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia provided professional support throughout the period of revision of the social inclusion indicators.

The indicators you have before you can be used in a number of strategic processes, primarily within the UN 2030 Agenda, as well as the Economic Reform Programme and Employment and Social Policy Reform Programme, as well as sectoral strategies and IPA fund programming.

The publication is organized so as to adhere to the nine domains of social inclusion (chapters V-XIV):

  • Social protection and welfare – a broader set of indicators is available here
  • Poverty, inequality, material deprivation – a broader set of indicators for poverty and inequality available here, a broader set of indicators of material deprivation available here
  • Employment – a broader set of indicators is available here
  • Education – a broader set of indicators is available here
  • Healthcare – a broader set of indicators is available here
  • Long-term care – a broader set of indicators is available here
  • Pension system – a broader set of indicators is available here
  • Social and child protection – a broader set of indicators is available here
  • Quality of life – a broader set of indicators is available here.

Contextual information providing a framework for observing individual domains and the baseline indicator of the Europe 2020 strategy (at-risk-of-poverty or social exclusion rate) have been covered in the two introductory chapters (chapters III and IV), while the thematic focus of the publication are children and investing into children (chapter XV).

The development of this publication is based on the preceding months-long expert work on thematic publications with a broader set of indicators in each of the above domains of importance for social inclusion.

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