Csp initiatives - Youth on Watch: Standing for and Promoting Human Rights by Students’ Parliaments

YoW - Mladi osluškuju


Centre for education policy, in cooperation with the Centre for social policy, is implementing a project aimed at empowering student parliaments from 16 secondary schools across Serbia, for advocating, promoting and protection of human rights and democracy, including advocating for social inclusion through education.

This goal will be achieved through comprehensive support for schools and student parliaments, which will be elected through an open call. In addition to schools and student parliaments, relevant actors from the local community level - representatives of local self-governments and civil society organizations - will be involved in the project.

Student parliaments were chosen as they are the first instrument of youth participation in democratic processes that they encounter during schooling, as well as due to the fact that they are already recognized in the legal framework as a relevant body that represents students, at the school level. All project participants will have the opportunity to strengthen their capacities in the field of human rights protection and thus contribute to the general well-being and social cohesion in areas where the position of young people is further aggravated by the material situation, and pronounced discrimination on any basis.


The main project activities, which are in accordance with various international conventions and which support the implementation of the national regulatory and strategic framework, include:
  • Development and implementation of training programs for members of student parliaments, school employees, and relevant actors from local communities;
  • Providing mentoring and financial support to student parliaments in the implementation of selected activities;
  • Planning and implementation of actions by student parliaments whose goal is the protection of human rights and the fight against discrimination;
  • Providing support in the promotion and dissemination of the results of student actions;
  • Providing support to student parliaments in conducting public advocacy activities in local communities;
  • Creation of a network of student parliaments in order to spread good practices and encourage youth activism.

Based on the results and effects of project activities, the project team will develop materials that will be available to all student parliaments, as well as recommendations for increasing youth participation through strengthening the student parliaments, based on lessons learned.

The project is financed by the European Union.



#EUforYOU #YouthOnWatch