Csp initiatives - Jobs, Oppportunities, Businesses, Support - JOBS

Center for Social Policy (CSP) in partnership with Women’s center Užice and the municipalities of Dimitrovrad (www.dimitrovgrad.rs) and Priboj (www.priboj.rs) has been implementing the project Jobs, Opportunities, Businesses, Support – JOBS.

The Project deals with inclusion of unemployed women who are going through difficult life situations – their households are recipients of financial social assistance, they have experienced family violence, they live or lived in foster families or foster care institutions, and so forth.

The Project aims at testing and identifying effective support measures for unemployed women, designed to improve their access to the labour market by

a) applying a specific activation mix and providing specific measures for individual support, and by

b) making better use of the existing public measures of support in the area of employment and social protection, and the measures for promotion of intersectoral cooperation at local level.

The project activities are being conducted in Užice, Dimitrograd, Priboj i Čajetina, starting in January 2019 until 2020. The Project is financed by the European Union.

Click here for more information.