Dragica Vlaović Vasiljević is an external associate of the Center for Social Policy (CSP).
She worked as a national consultant on projects in the field of social protection, education and social policy, both for national institutions or organizations (SIPRU, CLDS, Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities, Center for Children’s Rights, “Link 011”, Republic Institute for Social Protection, Institute for the Improvement of Education) as well as international organizations (UNICEF).
She graduated and completed postgraduate specialist studies at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade – Group for Pedagogy and Andragogy.
Prior to the founding of CSP she worked as an external associate at the Center for Liberal-Democratic Studies in Belgrade and a freelance consultant for other organizations and institutions in Serbia, during the period from 2008 to 2013. She worked at various posts at the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Policy from 1990 to 2008, whereas during the period 2001-2004 and 2007-2008 she held the post of Assistant Minister.
She is the author and co-author of a number of articles, books, projects and accredited training programs for professionals in the field of social protection and education, as well as at local self-government units; “School for Parents” (1997), “Establishment and Implementation of the System for the Accreditation of Training Programs for Social Service Providers in the Republic of Serbia” (2008), “Strategic Management of Integrated Social Protection in the Local Community” (2010), “Standards and Procedures for Implementing Educational Orders” (2012), “Development of Educational Standards for the End of Primary Adult Education” (2013), “Guide for Civil Society Organizations – Standards of Social Protection Services in the Community and Licensing Procedures” (2013).
Her fields of professional interest are primarily social protection, social protection services in the community, child protection and family protection.